Part 6

              Speaking In Tongues - Logical Fallacies and Biases

                                       General James Green

SINCE PENTECOST IS HERE and thousands of once dis-believers of tongues have been baptized in the Holy Ghost, and speak in tongues, the problem of tongues has compounded itself for the anti-tongues people. It ought to.

No, love did not replace tongues as some argue. Why? Because the “love chapter” is sandwiched between two chapters on the spiritual gifts! Should this bother them? Yes, for the original (or based on the original) Greek manuscripts had no chapter divisions. They presented ONE harmony of truth in ONE flow of teaching.

Since Paul stated in 1 Cor. 12:31 to, “...covet earnestly the best gifts; and yet I show unto you a more excellent way,” but critics claim he is talking about “love.” They tell us to “seek love and gifts.” Spare me! This is NOT rightly dividing the Word of truth—as 2 Tim. 2:15 instructs us. What does 1 Cor. 12:31 say again? It tells us to COVET THE GIFTS IN THE SAME VERSE!

Chapter 13 is a continuation of Paul’s discussion of the question of spiritual gifts. Here he emphasizes that to possess spiritual gifts without “love” is worth nothing (vv. 1-3). The “more excellent way” (12:31) IS the exercise of spiritual gifts in “love” (vv. 4-8)!!

As the only context in which spiritual gifts can fulfil the will of the Lord, “love” must be the governing principle of all spiritual manifestations—the whole WAY of the Christian walk.

Let us remember that THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT (E.G., “LOVE”) AND THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT (E.G., “TONGUES”). Paul knew the difference! He knew both have their place. Fruit cannot replace gifts. It is in the gifts that provide edification that helps mature the fruit (1 Cor. 14:3, 4, 26). Because “love” is spoken of as “the more excellent way,” gifts are not to cease, for they were given, as the New American Standard Bible says, “for the common good.” The KJV says, “...the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal” (1 Cor. 12:7).

Paul therefore exhorts the Corinthians to “follow after charity (“love”), and desire the things of the

Holy Spirit”—because they sincerely want to help, comfort, and bless.

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